Continued education
Confucius once said, “Learning something and getting more and more skillful in the course of time, isn‘t that a joy?”
At Sunshine Divers we agree with this wise statement and teach with enthusiasm. Because both learning as well as teaching brings us joy and because as dive instructors we also learn something from each student.
If you have completed the Open Water course successfully and asked yourself, especially on holiday “Was this it?”, Then contact us. Because we can quickly answer this question with a “no”. Best of all, we do have a solution. For those who have mastered the basics of sport diving and are confident to handle the technology, Sunshine Divers has an exciting training program.
The focus is on: practice, practice, practice. And in the end, a certification awaits you.
If you are interested in the following topics, please contact us and we plan individual training according to your ideas. Your classroom is our boat. Honestly: Can learning be more attractive?
Choose one of the specialties, and there are still more …
With the Enriched Air Nitrox Brevet, you no longer have to choose between safety and longer bottom times, because that is the key. This program provides a comprehensive introduction to Nitrox. During the practical application, you will also be shown how to safely plan and perform your Nitrox dives.
Spectacular dive sites that cannot be reached from the beach can only be explored by boat. The Boat Diving Program will provide you with the knowledge you need to make your long-awaited diving holiday a success and all the techniques used on boat dives.
Often the most fascinating and exciting dive sites are in greater depths. Deep dives can hold dangers and risks without proper training. The Deep Diving Program provides you with the knowledge and experience required to make safe and relaxed deep dives.
If you want to be a safe and responsible diver, then you have to master the basic rules of navigation. As part of the Navigation Program, you will learn how to navigate underwater with a compass and apply natural navigation. Now you can always return to the starting point at any time.
Hardly any specialty offers more excitement, adventure and fascination as night diving. Dives with limited visibility must also be mastered. The Night / Limited Visibility Program allows you to plan and perform dives at night and limited visibility to make these dives a safe adventure.
Good buoyancy control can only be achieved with proper training. The Perfect Buoyancy Program improves your swimming position underwater, reduces your effort and your air consumption. This allows you to make longer dives. Good buoyancy is also the most effective environmental protection for the underwater world.
The right knowledge of how to search underwater for lost items can be very beneficial under certain circumstances. In the Search and Recovery Program, you learn different search patterns for different conditions and the right techniques for the safe recovery of objects.
Want to learn more about the physics and physiology of diving? The Science of Diving Program covers all areas of diving theory in a comprehensive and complete way: physics, physiology, decompression theory, underwater world and diving equipment. Whether you just want to know more or plan to become a Dive Professional, Science of Diving is just what you need!
Exploring a wreck is one of the most exciting experiences of diving. Proper knowledge and skills are required to really enjoy wreck diving. The Wreck Diving Program teaches you everything you need to know about this adventure, so you can safely make relaxing dives on wrecks.
The success of your underwater adventure is strongly influenced by water movement. Corresponding training in dealing with currents is essential for your safety. The Waves, Tides & Currents Program will prepare you for such situations.
- große Auswahl an Specialties
- Navigation-Specialty
- Nitrox-Kurs
- Wracktauchen
- Nightdive-Specialty
- Stress & Rescue-Kurs
- Strömungstauchen
- Tarierung in Perfektion
Specialty Programs
React Right is the emergency training program of SSI, Emergency First Responder (EFR) the program from PADI. Both are teaching programs in first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, AED and the administration of oxygen in dive accidents. In addition, you will learn the right action for first aid so that any dive accident can be treated safely by the doctor. Last but not least the participation in this course helps your own diving safety.
Become an even safer diver, learn to recognize dangerous situations at an early stage and avoid stress. Apart from rescuing other divers, self-rescue is an important part of the course. The Diver Stress and Rescue Program addresses possible problems and shows you how to react correctly in various situations. You will learn how to recognize such situations on the surface and underwater and to solve them by proper action.
The Stress & Rescue Course is the last step before getting into professional diving, it is the prerequisite for the Divemaster.
You have to schedule about 4 days.
SSI Advanced Open Water Diver, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or equivalent.
Minimum age 12 years for Junior Stress & Rescue Specialty with the consent of a parent or guardian.
Proof of attendance of a cardiac resuscitation course within the last 24 months.